Gitflow Maven Plugin

gitflow-maven-plugin provides Maven support for Vincent Driessen's branching model

Think of gitflow-maven-plugin as the maven-release-plugin for the Gitflow branching model.

The plugin uses GGitflow, therefore it uses the git console directly under the hood rather than JGit.

Maven settings

Add the following to your Maven settings.xml



For Git https connections a git credential.helper or a netrc file allows you to permanently store the repo credentials to use when you clone, pull, push or fetch. Note, the netrc file does require you to store your passwords in plain text.


Linux or OSX

Sample netrc file

login myusername
password mypassword

login myusername
password mypassword


Plugin Documentation

Sample POM configuration

Add the following to your top-level parent aggregator POM.

        <!-- Optional Config For all parameters see: -->
        <!-- -->
        <msgSuffix>+review @reviewer123</msgSuffix>
        <releaseProfiles>my-profile1, my-profile2</releaseProfiles>

⛔️ Note for Windows users ggitflow-maven-plugin uses the git console therefore the below Maven commands must be run from a git terminal like Git BASH Git for Windows

Start & Finish a Feature branch

mvn gitflow:feature-start
mvn gitflow:feature-finish

Start & Finish a Release branch

mvn gitflow:release-start
mvn gitflow:release-finish

Start & Finish a Hotfix branch

mvn gitflow:hotfix-start
mvn gitflow:hotfix-finish

Start a Support branch

mvn gitflow:support-start

Tag a Support branch

mvn gitflow:tag


Snapshots of this plugin can be downloaded from Sonatype OSS. Simply add the following to your pom.


Authors and Contributors

Desmond (Dessie) Kirrane (@dkirrane)